Film Distribution
Close Captioning Your Indie Film for $1/Minute
Close Captioning Your Indie Film for $1/Minute As any filmmaker who has ever delivered a film or video to distribution knows Close Captioning is a big and expensive pain in the butt. The process is convoluted, confusing and most of all PRICEY. The cost to have close captioning created for your movie, television series, web series or…
Read MoreFilmtrepreneur Breakdown: Before the Dark – $15k Budget
Filmtrepreneur Breakdown: Before the Dark The journey of our feature film “Before The Dark” begins with a phone call from my good friend Benny Oliveri, Benny and I met at Film School and had stayed in touch ever since. A few years after Film School we both found ourselves living in sunny Los Angeles, my…
Read MoreFilmtrepreneur Breakdown: Killer Christmas – $50k Budget
Filmtrepreneur Breakdown: Killer Christmas Making a film is difficult, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. We are two amateur filmmaking brothers from New Jersey who made an 80-plus minute feature film from scratch in well under a year. It’s called Killer Christmas and is the story of a group of friends who sneak into…
Read MoreHow Remakes and Reboots will Destroy the Hollywood Studios
How Remakes and Reboots will Destroy the Hollywood Studios Show of hands: Who asked for Men in Black: International? Anyone? Bueller… Bueller? Show of hands: Who wanted to see The Lone Ranger? Bueller? Bueller? Charlie’s Angels? Anybody? Anybody? Solo: A Star Wars Story? Ghostbusters 3? Come on, people… really? The dizzying number of remakes, reboots,…
Read MoreFilm Festivals: Guide to Screening Formats & Technical Specs
Film Festivals: Screening Formats & Technical Specs Film Festival Hacks is the podcast that explores the festival circuit “from both sides of the badge.” Alex Ferrari is an award-winning filmmaker with nearly 600 international film festivals under his belt. He’s joined by Chris Holland, author of Film Festival Secrets: A Handbook for Independent Filmmakers who…
Read MoreNetworking Like a Pro at Film Festivals
Networking Like a Pro at Film Festivals Film Festival Hacks is the podcast that explores the festival circuit “from both sides of the badge.” Alex Ferrari is an award-winning filmmaker with nearly 600 international film festivals under his belt. He’s joined by Chris Holland, author of Film Festival Secrets: A Handbook for Independent Filmmakers who…
Read MoreThe Power of Humor in Festival Submissions
The Power of Humor in Festival Submissions In this episode, we discuss the power of humor not only in the film itself but in the film festival submission process as well. Filmmaker really under estimate the power of humor. You have to remember that people enjoy laughing, in the movie theater or during the submission…
Read MoreBest Film Festival Submission Practices
Best Film Festival Submission Practices Our third episode is the second part of our discussion of Withoutabox and FilmFreeway, the two most commonly used film festival submissions platforms. We talk about some of the best practices for using both platforms, including the importance of strong still images from your film, the dark art of writing…
Read MoreDecoding Film Freeway
Film Festival Hacks Podcast: Decoding WithoutaBox & Film Freeway In this second episode, we explore the essential tools of submitting to film festivals. Withoutabox and FilmFreeway are the two most prominent festival submissions platforms online. Although there are a number of prominent festivals that do not accept submissions on these submissions engines, together the sites…
Read MoreSecrets on How to Submit to Film Festivals
Secrets on How to Submit to Film Festivals This is it! The inaugural episode of Film Festival Hacks, the podcast that explores the festival circuit “from both sides of the badge.” Alex Ferrari is an award-winning filmmaker with nearly 600 international film festivals under his belt. He’s joined by Chris Holland, author of Film Festival…
Read MoreHow to Find Distribution for Your Genre Indie Film
How to Find Distribution for Your Genre Indie Film You need names and the “right” genre to sell a movie. Those are the rules. You may think it’d be as simple as that, but it’s not. Dramas and comedies are too broad to be considered genres: they don’t sell. Leaving the porn industry out of…
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